jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021

[Diariodeurgencia] Inequality in America


Inequality in America

A lot has happened over the last few weeks. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) shocked the White House by revealing that he will not support President Biden's Build Back Better Act. One of Manchin's main sticking points? The enhanced Child Tax Credit, an effort that would benefit millions of working families in the state he was elected to represent.

The most fitting reaction to Manchin's stance may have come from Kristen Olsen, a mother and West Virginia activist in the Poor People's Campaign: "A multi-millionaire politician funded by corporate coal interests has the power to push my four-year-old boy and me off the economic cliff at the end of this month."

But Manchin has sometimes reversed his positions in the past, and backers of Build Back Better will be redoubling their efforts in January. 

On a more inspiring note, a leftist millennial – Gabriel Boric – has just emerged victorious in the Chilean presidential election against his opponent, an admirer of the Pinochet dictatorship. Boric has vowed to work to end Chile's neoliberal economic model and raise taxes on the wealthy to fight inequality, protect the environment, and uplift families.

We'll be off the next two weeks, but hope you'll end your year with us by reading and sharing our round-up of 2021 in ten inequality charts. Wishing a happy and healthy holiday to you and yours. See you in 2022!

Chuck Collins and Rebekah Entralgo, for the Institute for Policy Studies Inequality.org team





Across the Pond, Gig Workers in the Driver's Seat

One year ago California became ground zero for a costly campaign driven by companies like Uber and Doordash to further exploit gig economy workers. But we don't have to look too far to see where a worker-driven campaign to rein in these companies could lead us. The UK high court recently upheld a ruling from this spring that entitles gig workers to basic worker protections. Per the ruling, companies like Uber must deliver wage protections, vacation pay, and other basic benefits for UK gig workers. Our neighbors across the pond have taken a stand in favor of workers. Now it's time for the United States to do the same. Gig economy expert Bama Athreya has more on this latest development.


Reprinted with permission from Chuck Collins of the Institute for Policy Studies | Inequality.org | www.inequality.org | inequality@ips-dc.org


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